Back in the fall while waiting for the bus with my kids, I got the bright idea for a hat. Took me this long to get it done.
I know. Classy... not my best work but this was fly by the seat of my pants project. It can be done with knit (needles, loom, machine) or crochet. It's quite simple. I made this hat on my Addi King knitting machine.
Make a tight fitting beanie hat in the "hair" color of your choice. Cut long strands of the yarn and add it to the hat like fringe. I cut my yarn about a yard long then cut it half. Hooked it on so there were 2 strands per fringe. Roll the fringe on sponge rollers. I used 2 pieces of fringe about 1" apart per roller to hold them steady and 16 sponge rollers. Use however many suits your fancy though.
The perfect hat to wear with a housecoat while holding a cup of coffee when waiting for the bus. You might want to do it in the afternoon when they least expect it. Or makes a nice hat to wear to Wal-mart.
Here is a loom knit pattern for the hat including detailed instructions on how to attach "hair".
Curlers Wig Hat
Love it - can't wait to make one and add a pink mask to wear it when we go out together